Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Will my fellow Americans please grow up?

Since election night last Tuesday, I've read articles, watched news coverage, and saw comments online that lead me to the conclusion that too many Americans are acting like a bunch of children. There are the paranoid people on the Republican and right-wing side who are afraid that an Obama administration will create a Gestapo-like force, seize their guns, confiscate retirement accounts, and put an end to free elections in this nation. There are the sore winners on the Democratic screaming about the need to punish Senator Joe Lieberman for supporting John McCain, the need to exercise the "nuclear option" to eliminate filibusters in the Senate, and a small handful who have threatened violence against Republican senators who would attempt to filibuster legislation.

Wake up, people! Our country has withstood a lot. There have been good presidents and bad presidents, good Congresses and bad, wise policies and foolhardiness, but our nation has endured for 221 years under the Constitution. I don't see how that's likely to be change. Let's all just try to act in a mature and civil manner. Thank you. That's all I have to say about that, for now.

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